Professor Alex Brown is currently the Theme Leader Aboriginal Health Research in the newly established South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. His previous research positions include Executive Director of BakerIDI Central Australia (2007-2012), and establishing the Central Australian unit of Menzies School of Health Research (2003-2007). Over the last 15 years, Professor Brown has made significant contributions to national policy and research in Aboriginal health. His research focuses on overcoming disparities in health outcomes for Aboriginal people, with a particular emphasis on chronic disease as the primary contributor to life expectancy differentials. Prof Brown has been instrumental in exploring the links between heart disease and depression and building health system responses to chronic disease (particularly in primary care). He has been involved in advocacy and advisory roles in policy since 1996, on ministerial advisory councils (e.g. National Diabetes Strategy, the National Indigenous Health Equality Committee), lead committees for national NGOs, the NHMRC, supported development of programs for the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation, the Lowitja Institute (and former incarnations as the CRC in Aboriginal Health), and continues to provide high level advice and support to the ABS, AIHW, research institutes and a significant number of university committees.